

CAS Number: 83-46-5

Class: -

Plants contain this compound

10 plants

HerbID Thai name Common name Scientific name Family
7 กระเทียม - Allium sativum L. Amaryllidaceae
11 กระแจะ - Hesperethusa crenulata (Roxb.) Roem. Rutaceae
19 กล้วยเต่า - Polyalthia debilis Finet & Gagnep. Annonaceae
39 ตะโกนา - Diospyros rhodocalyx Kurz Ebenaceae
43 ตะคร้อ - Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Merr. Sapindaceae
51 ทองกวาว - Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. Fabaceae
61 ผักชีล้อม - Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. Apiaceae
64 เทียนแดง - Lepidium sativum L.  Brassicaceae
64 เทียนแดง - Lepidium sativum L.  Cruciferae
75 ส้มป่อย - Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. Leguminosae-Mimosoideae
75 ส้มป่อย - Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. Fabaceae
86 พญาปล้องทอง - Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f) Lindau. Acanthaceae

3D Structure

2D Structure

Compound Properties



Physicochemical Properties

Formula C29H50O
Molecular wieght(g/mol) 414.71
Num. of Heavy atoms 30
Num. of Aromatic Heavy atoms 0
Fraction Csp3 0.93
Num. of Rotatable bonds 6
Num. of H-bond acceptors 1
Num. of H-bonds donors 1
Molar Refractivity 133.23
TPSA (square Angstrom) 20.23


iLOGP 5.03
XLOGP3 9.34
WLOGP 8.02
MLOGP 6.73
Silicos-IT LOGP 7.04
Consensus LOGP 7.23

Water Solubility

LogS -7.90 Solubility(mg/ml) 5.23E-06 Solubility(mol/l) 1.26E-08 Class Poorly soluble
LogS -9.67 Solubility(mg/ml) 8.90E-08 Solubility(mol/l) 2.15E-10 Class Poorly soluble
LogS -6.19 Solubility(mg/ml) 2.69E-04 Solubility(mol/l) 6.49E-07 Class Poorly soluble


GI absorbtion Low
BBB permeant No
Pgp substrate No
CYP1A2 inhibitor No
CYP2C19 inhibitor No
CYP2C9 inhibitor No
CYP2D6 inhibitor No
CYP3A4 inhibitor No
Log Kp (skin permeation) (cm/s) -2.20


Lipinski Num. violations 1
Ghose Num. violations 3
Veber Num. violations 0
Egan Num. violations 1
Muegge Num. violations 2
Bioavailability Score 0.55

Medicinal Chemistry

PAINS Num. of alerts 0
Brenk Num. of alerts 1
Leadlikeness Num. of violations 2
Synthetic Accessibility 6.30


JID Reference